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Genesis (Manuscrits-Recherche-Invention) is dedicated to genetic criticism. Its aim is to promote writers’ manuscripts as a scientific object and to study the creative process in literature, in the arts and in the sciences. The journal is produced by the Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (Item, CNRS-ENS) since 1992 and published by Presses universitaires de la Sorbonne (PuS) since 2010. Genesis, published twice yearly, is meant for academics in the field of humanities (literature, creation, culture and communication) and for the general reader interested in literature.

Latest issue
56 | 2023
Genèse de la critique

Edited by Claude Coste

Editor's notes

La diversité des contributions de ce numéro de Genesis, portant sur l’enseignement, la publication de livres ou d’articles, la radio…, met en évidence la difficulté de décrire la genèse d’objets aussi incertains que sont la critique littéraire et la littérature chez des auteurs tels que Barthes, Bonnefoy, Butor, Chevillard ou Proust.


Calenda > Littératures

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